Kamis, Oktober 16, 2008

Bee or Lebah

Honey bees (or honeybees) are a subset of bees, primarily distinguished by the production and storage of honey and the construction of perennial, colonial nests out of wax.

There is one recognized species which usually builds single or a few exposed combs on high tree limbs, on cliffs, and sometimes on buildings. They can be very fierce. Periodically robbed of their honey by human "honey hunters", colonies are easily capable of stinging a human being to death when provoked. Their origin as a distinct lineage is only slightly more recent than that of the dwarf honey bees.

Lebah merupakan sejenis serangga terbang sosial yang hidup berkelompok. Terdapat kira-kira 20,000 spesies lebah, dan ia boleh didapati di setiap benua, kecuali Antartik.

Sebagai serangga, ia mempunyai tiga pasang kaki dan dua pasang kepak. Lebah membuat sarangnya di atas bukit, di pohon kayu dan pada atap rumah. Sarangnya dibina daripada lilin yang terdapat dalam badannya. Lebah memakan madu bunga dan bunga.

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