Selasa, Januari 20, 2009

Love White Flower

Love White Flower,
this is also one of the sign of love

In the question of "do you have this?"
with the white color and the surface full of water
it's the best sign of love

Love is the true feeling
in the true feeling......
there will be a trust

Love in the true feeling
can not tell lie.....even we try to cover it
can not run away.....even we say that we should be
can not hide.....even we enter to other things

Love in the true feeling
just share anything without reserve
just care....without change to the lose
just full of joys and happiness

Love in the true feeling
never see the rich or the poor
never see the black or white
never see health or sick
never see good or bad
never see new or old
never see strong or weak
never see....... anything!!

just the trust

9 komentar:

  1. Love or cinta in bahasa indonesia....if the sign with the white color will be the trust and the trully

  2. hai.........semua mo nengok blognya dikau.......kita mo kasih coment rame-rame
    Kalau begini rasanya......uuuugh
    Gue gak bakal kemana-mana .... nungguin situ aja.......

    Kamu kemana sich......
    I love you ....segudang.......Ambon

  3. Nich ditanya ama Boss......
    Why you gak dateng.....
    Wanted you know........

    Kita lagi simulasi nich.....

    Please send email to me
    I miss makan rujak cingur???

  4. It's really a best feeling that that I ever know.......
    May be next time you can make it special for me....


  5. Wah.......puisi cakep gini.....
    Emang waktu kuliah dulu belajar bikin pusi ya....bagussssssssssss
    sampe temen-temen mo ikutan semua

    Bikinin kita donk??????

    Heran kenapa gak datang??????


  6. Ssstttttttttttt entar kalau ada pertemuan nasiona lagi atau seminar atau pelatihan, kita satu kamar ya?
    Biar aku diajarin bikin kata yang bagus kayak ini


  7. Kapan ngundang ke Palembang
    Kangen sama kapal pesiar Si Gentar Alam and durian.

    Undang ya, jangan lupa

  8. I'll send you email oke?

  9. Sweet heart,
    All of us miss you

    Where are you?
    This program is not running without you

    We don't have any idea

